Segra Stadium
Park Name: Segra Stadium
Tenants: Fayetteville Woodpeckers (Carolina League)
Opened: 2019
Address: 460 Hay Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina 28301
Dimensions: 319' (L), 400' (C), 330' (R)
Former Tenants:
Fayetteville Woodpeckers (Carolina League) 2019
Fayetteville Woodpeckers (Low-A East) 2021
The view from behind home plate at Segra Stadium.
The view from down the first base line.
The view from down the third base line.
The grandstand at Segra Stadium, as seen from center field.
The pressbox sits off to the third base side of home plate, at the end of the upper deck.
The upper deck extends much farther down the first base side of the park, housing luxury suites and a party deck.
Open-air luxury suites run along the concourse at the top of the seating bowl.
Four Top table seating it at the top of the stands in the left field corner.
Berm seating runs behind the left field wall, with a children's play area on the concourse behind it.
Several rows of bar stool seating sit atop the right center field fence at Segra Stadium.
Rocking chairs run along the left center field wall, providing a unique place to sit and watch a game.
A bar in the right field corner overlooks the stadium and acts as a popular gathering spot during a game.
The bar area in right field features lawn furniture and lawn games behind the foul pole.
The home plate bar sits on the concourse behind home plate.
The batting cages at Segra Stadium are situated on the concourse and are open so fans can look in on the players.
Train tracks border the ballpark on two sides and trains run past multiple times during most games.
Downtown Fayetteville is visible beyond the right field corner of the park.
The outfield wall juts out into the field several times, including in front of the scoreboard in left field.
The Fayetteville Woodpeckers on the field during a game at Segra Stadium.