Fort Marcy Ballfield
Park Name: Fort Marcy Ballfield
Tenants: Santa Fe Fuego (Pecos League)
Opened: 1947
Address: 490 Bishops Lodge Road, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501
Dimensions: 340' (L), 355' (C), 305' (R)
The view from behind home plate at Fort Marcy Ballfield.
The view from down the first base line.
The view from down the third base line.
The grandstand at Fort Marcy Ballfield, as seen from the left field corner of the park.
The main grandstand features a roof over most of the concrete bleacher seating.
The pressbox is a freestanding building off to the first base side of the covered grandstand, with restrooms and concession stands below.
Concrete seating boxes run along the backstop at Fort Marcy Ballfield.
A large, open group seating area sits directly behind home plate.
Tiered dirt risers run down the left field line, providing a place for fans to set up their own chairs.
The outfield wall is a chain-link fence, with a city park beyond it.
A small line score board sits behind the center field fence.
The Santa Fe Fuego on the field during a game at Fort Marcy Ballfield.